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Any­thing you post or com­ments is pub­lic. So make sure you’re com­fort­able with the idea that any­one can view any­thing you post here.You may see adver­tis­ing in and around WPShaper. In each of these cas­es, we aim to respect your copy­right and pri­va­cy and ensure you have an unclut­tered experience.If dis­putes arise between you and any­one oth­er than WPShaper, we have no oblig­a­tion to par­tic­i­pate or assist either party.You may not:use a false infor­ma­tion or an account owned or con­trolled by anoth­er per­son with the intent to mis­lead oth­er users mali­cious­ly by imper­son­at­ing that per­son or for any oth­er reason;use as a User ID a name sub­ject to any rights of a per­son oth­er than your­self with­out appro­pri­ate autho­riza­tion or in vio­la­tion of our Con­tent Guide­lines; or oth­er­wise sub­mit false or mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion to the Company.WPShaper makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties of any kind with respect to Con­tent; user Content.use or apply all of tuto­ri­als and tips at your own risk , WPShaper makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties.